
Mabati Technical Training Institute (MTTI), is guided by the Ministry of Education through the Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority (TVETA) and accredited by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).

Accreditation is significant as it empowers institutions to create and provide efficient and relevant education programmes to trainees and assures the public and other stakeholders that an accredited institution has met expectation of quality delivery of service.

Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority

TVETA is a public corporate agency established under the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Act No. 29 of 2013 to regulate and coordinate training in the country through licensing, registration and accreditation of programs, institutions andtrainers. Section 7 of the Act, 2013 gives the powers and functions of the Authority to regulate and coordinate training; inspect, license and register and accredit training institutions; accredit and inspect programmes and courses; promote access and relevance of training programmes; determine the national technical and vocational training objectives; assure quality and relevance in programmes of training among other functions.

National Industrial Training Authority

NITA is a state corporation established under the Industrial Training (Amendment) Act of 2011. Its mandate is to promote the highest standards in the quality and efficiency of Industrial Training in Kenya and ensure an adequate supply of properly trained manpower at all levels in the industry.

The Authority has its headquarters in Nairobi and  five industrial training centres spread across the country; NITA Textile Training Institute, NITA Nairobi, NITA  Kisumu, NITA Mombasa and  NITA Athi River.

The Centres host a number of industry-oriented courses targeting workers in the formal and informal sectors. The courses include short and long programmes [proficiency courses, skill upgrading courses, artisan courses, and tailor-made courses]. The Centres provide full board accommodation, training rooms, workshops and recreational facilities.